Fall Updates 2022

05.09.22 11:20 PM By Charell McFarland


What a year it has been! We have had so many changes and we’re excited to announce more upcoming changes. To several of our interns have graduated and we have started several more. In March of this year Catherine Island-Thomas joined our team as an intern, and we are so excited to have her with us. In June, Taylor Leigh and Elizabeth Rhodes graduated from their MSW programs. Elizabeth joined us as full-time staff, and we couldn’t be happier! Regina Tetreault transitioned into her photography business full-time. We are so excited for her and know great things are in store. 

Over the summer both Lisa Falvey and Jamie Snell graduated their respective masters programs, and also joined our team as staff. Go Community First! We have an amazing line up if staff! 

Also over the summer, Monica Munezero and Stephanie Chapman completed their internships, and we are sad to see them go! Monica is joining her family overseas post graduation and Stephanie has one more semester and anticipates graduating in December of this year. We wish them both the best, and hope they can join us again in the future. And last but not least, Annette Santiago transitioned out of the practice. She has been with us for two years, and has been a tremendous asset to our team. We wish her the best as she starts her own practice.

Fortunately, in the fall we have several new interns joining our team. Danshanique Adkins, Erin Knowles, Sam Yu, and Mereena Zachariah will be joining our team as MSW interns. They all have active profiles under our team page at this time and you can view more information about them. You can also view information about our hired staff. 

Summary: Currently our hired staff consist of Lisa Falvey, Elizabeth Rhodes, Jamie Snell, and Emily Borsody. Our interns are Catherine Island-Thomas, Danshanique Adkins, Erin Knowles, Sam Yu, and Mereena Zachariah.

Contact the office to make an appointment!

Charell McFarland